Monday, October 19, 2009

more PSU

CURTIS AND VICTORIA...both are on facebook. Victoria's mom isn't on facebook, but she would have no problem friending her, "I'm friends with my dad," she said. Curtis is friends with his mother, but she has limited access to his profile.

BEN (left) and NICK (right)...Ben is on facebook and is friends with his mom. "It's how she keeps an eye on me." Ben once unfriended his mother, but she called him up and he had to refriend her.
Nick is on facebook but is not friends with his mother. "She's really nosey," he answered when asked why.

NICK (left) and JOEY (right)....Joey is on facebook, but his mom is not. He would friend though, "there's nothing to hide," he said.

Portland State

NOAH (right)...not on facebook, nor is his mom. Asked if he would friend his mother on fb were they both on it he answered, " oh, yeah...if I were the kind of person who would use facebook.."

SPENCER (left)...does use facebook. His mother does not, but he would friend her if she did. a facebook user, his mother is not. When asked if he would friend his mother if she were he answered, "Hell yeah!"

STESHA... is a facebook user. When asked if she would friend her mom she answered, "My mom is my best friend so of course I have. I am friends with my father, and even my grandparents, even though that's a little weird."

Clinton Park

MELISSA (mom) and TROUT (son).... Melissa is not on facebook. Ask if she would friend her mother on fb she answered, "NO!...actually I probably would out of guilt." If Trout were a facebook user she would certainly want him to friend her.

Irvington on facebook. His mom is no longer alive; were she alive and on facebook, he would not fb friend her. "I think one should be a friend in the true sense of the word or at least in the loose definition. It was my impression that she preferred to retain 'momship'."

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Some Observations and a few clarifications...

First, I must say that the "mom" on my t-shirt is actress Barbara Billingsley, most well know as June Cleaver, "the Beav's" mother on the old 50's show, "Leave it to Beaver." I thought she was a pretty iconic mom figure, so I have been surprised that a lot of people didn't know who she was.

Next, I have noticed that regardless of how people feel about friending their mother on fb, they have liked the t-shirt. Those who have chosen not to be photographed had no objection to the t-shirt and it's message, they just didn't want to be photographed.

As I have talked to people and taken notes and pictures, I have given each person a slip of paper with this blog's URL so that they may see what they are now a part of. If you see your picture and text here, and feel I have misrepresented something you said, or no longer want your picture posted, please comment and I will edit/delete as needed.

Thanks everyone!

In the neighborhood

STEVEN...Steven was with his parents at the Laurelwood on Sandy Blvd. They are "anti facebook" his mom said adding, "we have friends in real life." When I asked Steven if he would friend his mom were he on his facebook (Yes, his mom was right there) he answered, "I am not sure I would have a choice about it."

CASEY.. .Casey is a facebook user and is not fb friends with his mother. When asked why, he answered, "bad stuff would happen if my mom saw my facebook."

LYNN and JEFF...Jeff doesn't use facebook, would probably friend his mom though. Lynn is on facebook and while her mother is no longer alive, she would have friended her. She is friends with her own daughter. She has told her daughter not to post anything that she wouldn't want her(Lynn) to see.

NATE and MATT...two men having beers outside of the Laurelwood. Not really facebook users. Nate said his wife manages the family facebook, and is friends with her parents. They would likely friend their own mothers, but their mom's aren't facebook users either...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Tabor Space 2

JOSH and TRACY...both on facebook. Josh is friends with his mother. In fact Josh told his mom about facebook and encouraged her to join. Tracy's mom does not use facebook but said, "I thought about friending his (Josh's) mom." Josh responded, "You should. My mom would friend you,"

Tabor Space

JIM... Jim is on facebook, his kids are appalled, but they are his friends nonetheless. "They better be," he said. Jim's mother recently passed away. When asked if he would have friended her on facebook, he couldn't answer.

JANET... not a facebook user. Didn't really understand the concept or the dilemna of friending one's parents.

LEELA..... Yes she's on facebbok and is friends with her mother. Her first response to the t-shirt was, "I had this very issue when my mom joined facebook." She did her friend her mother, "Of course," she said, "she's my mother."

KRISTIN (left) and LAUREN (right)...both friends with their mothers. Kristin replied, "My mother would have been pissed if I hadn't friended her." She also said, "My mom would so buy this shirt."
Lauren responded that she had just recently friended her mother. She then said her mom is afraid to ask people to be her friend. She worries they'll say no.

Kids on the street

STEPHANIE and JUSTIN... While Stephanie is not a facebook user, she uses MySpace and her mom is a friend there.
Justin is a facebook user and is friends with his mom. His words..."How I could say 'no,' she's my mother. I want to eat at the holidays."

DANIEL (left) TYLER (right)...both were facebook users. Daniel is friends with his mom, Tyler is not as his mother isn't on facebook. If she were, he would friend her. Incidentally, Tyler doesn't smile...not for the camera, not ever.

Oak Grove Coffee House....

SCOTT....He is on facebook. While his mother has passed away, he would have certainly friended her.

JASON (Scott's brother)... Also on facebook, also would have friended his mother. Is friends with his own children.

On on side note...Scott and Jason own and operate this coffeshop...great coffee and even better should totally stop in...

MICHAEL... a facebook user, although admittedly not much of one. He too has friended his mother.

ROSEMARY...Aa facebook user, her mother is no longer alive. When asked if she would have friended her, Rosemary replied, "Yea.... well..... maybe not."