Friday, October 16, 2009

Tabor Space

JIM... Jim is on facebook, his kids are appalled, but they are his friends nonetheless. "They better be," he said. Jim's mother recently passed away. When asked if he would have friended her on facebook, he couldn't answer.

JANET... not a facebook user. Didn't really understand the concept or the dilemna of friending one's parents.

LEELA..... Yes she's on facebbok and is friends with her mother. Her first response to the t-shirt was, "I had this very issue when my mom joined facebook." She did her friend her mother, "Of course," she said, "she's my mother."

KRISTIN (left) and LAUREN (right)...both friends with their mothers. Kristin replied, "My mother would have been pissed if I hadn't friended her." She also said, "My mom would so buy this shirt."
Lauren responded that she had just recently friended her mother. She then said her mom is afraid to ask people to be her friend. She worries they'll say no.

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